

过去的MACCM赛季充满了胜利和挑战, and overall reinforced how important contemporary music is in daily life at the 音乐艺术学院. Finally back to a full schedule of concerts and events after a slightly scaled-back post-pandemic return, MACCM presented or supported a diverse slate of performances and activities that impacted the entire CMA community.

10月,我们接待了43人rd Annual Bowling Green 新音乐节 with guest composer Stacy Garrop and, 在汉森音乐艺术系列的慷慨支持下, 美国铜管五重奏. 除了女士之外. Garrop的 music, the ABQ presented the world premiere of BGSU alumna Jennifer Higdon’s 铜质之书, 由汉森家族慷慨赞助的五重奏. 这个节日非常成功, with other highlights including an informative composer talk on forging a path outside of academia, Ms. Garrop的 选票之战 演讲者是迈拉·梅里特, 为节日画上句号, and several consortium premieres from both the Resonate Project and Well-Behaved Women Seldom Make History, 中心支持的两项试运行计划.

在2021-22学年, we announced a record-setting amount of money given to faculty and students through the MACCM Award program, noting that the amount was likely a once-in-a-generation anomaly due to extra available funds made possible by scaled-back programming during the pandemic. We are happy to announce that we were actually wrong in last year’s report; due to external support for other MACCM programs like the Festival, 我们的奖金超过了17美元,以支持30多个项目, 打破了去年的纪录.

中心举办了两场音乐前沿活动, an amazing all-star percussion concert celebrating the work of renowned composer and teacher Michael Udow from the University of Michigan, and a spirited residency by the Canadian-based Quasar Saxophone Quartet. We again collaborated with the Klingler Electro-Acoustic Residency (KEAR) on a multi-part residency/composer recording session with the ensemble Hypercube, 是中心的常客和盟友, producing four high-quality audio and video recordings for selected composition students. MACCM continued to support the annual Toledo Symphony Reading Session for student composers, and assisted Brad Cresswell at WGTE-FM in compiling a tenth season of our radio series 活着的美国作曲家:鲍灵格林的新音乐 为国内和国际辛迪加. The multi-year commissioning and performance collaboration Resonate Project, started in 2020 with Detroit Chamber Winds and 字符串s and regional university partners, culminated with a symposium and performances at the Carr Center in Detroit. 虽然不完全是MACCM项目, the Center provided extensive production and logistical support to the second 汉森音乐艺术系列 event, 在克罗诺斯四重奏乐团演出三天, 谁在巡演庆祝自己50岁th 周年纪念日. 除了一场壮观的音乐会, the Quartet engaged in residency activities and coached BGSU student quartets who then performed with them on stage, 也许这是充满精彩表演的一年里的最高点.

I believe that this year epitomized the Center’s mission to support meaningful new music activities around the CMA and the surrounding community, 从博林格林到佩里斯堡,从托莱多到底特律. 我期待着明年继续这一使命, and look forward to what the future holds for MACCM and the 音乐艺术学院.




2021 marked a heavily-anticipated return to normalcy for the Center and its programs. 而42nd Annual Bowling Green 新音乐节 did not present as many concerts as we would in a pre-pandemic model, we were able to offer six concerts over three days and the traditional composer talk. 奥古斯塔·里德·托马斯, 迈克尔•霍尔, 和玛丽安·帕克都是很好的客人, and brought a spark of much-needed energy to the CMA as we were gradually feeling our way back after so much time away.

由于节日费用的减少, 该中心的拨款略高于13美元,为教师和学生提供项目和旅行奖励. We are particularly proud that were able to give awards to every student who applied for assistance for summer festivals and programs, 两年来第一次回来.

The Center was able to continue to increase its support for the commissioning of new works through MACCM Awards, 正在进行的共鸣项目, and consortium project support for commissions for the Wind Symphony (Hannah Lash) and a set of solo works by four women for the percussion studio (“Well Behaved Women Seldom Make History”). Most of these works will see their BG premieres on the 新音乐节 in October

我们协助WGTE编辑了第九季的 活着的美国作曲家:鲍灵格林的新音乐, and eased back into our Music at the Forefront programming with a second MACCM/KEAR collaborative residency with Unheard-of//Ensemble and a remarkable standalone concert from Ekmeles, 弥补他们2020年春季被取消的演出. MACCM sponsored a reception for the 2022 Toledo Symphony Reading Session, and co-hosted the Eighth International Conference on Music and Minimalism in May. 这次会议特别成功, I was impressed with the level of engagement displayed by our faculty and students, especially our DMAs and a group of graduate students that stayed an extra week after they had graduated in order to participate and perform. It was a demonstration of the College’s “new music DNA” in action and on display for the whole world to see.

我相信今年的演讲是非常成功的, 支持, and disseminating new music not only within the CMA but within the regional and national contemporary music communities. I look forward to continued work on our new strategic plan as we continue to integrate the Center even further into the programs of the 音乐艺术学院.


